The sun sets at Vulcan Park, July 19, 2015, in Birmingham, Alabama. (Photo by Carmen K. Sisson/TumbleweedSOUTH)
Why does this site exist?
Because I’m a daydreamer. I know what it’s like to sit at a desk day in and day out, wishing you were somewhere else. I know what it’s like to be cash-strapped and time-crunched, desperately in need of a few hours to yourself. Day trips, afternoon excursions, and weekend jaunts are the perfect solution.
What states do you cover?
Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas, with occasional forays into other states.
What kind of equipment do you use?
I shoot with a Nikon D7000 and write on a MacBook Pro and an iPad Pro.
Who are you?
My name is Carmen K. Sisson, and I have spent 31 years writing and photographing every corner of the South. I grew up in Mobile, Alabama and moved back home in 2013. I previously lived in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and Columbus, Mississippi.
I studied journalism at the University of Alabama, and I make my living writing for newspapers, magazines, tourism bureaus, and corporate brands.
I spend roughly 100 nights a year on the road, which means I see a lot of hotels, gas stations, truck stops, and roadside diners. I try to keep an open-ended schedule to allow for sight-seeing and serendipity.
What is your favorite city?
I acclimate quickly, which makes my favorite place wherever I am. But if I had to pick a favorite it would be a close tie between St. Augustine, New Orleans, Charleston, and Memphis. I also like Fairhope, Alabama and Oxford, Mississippi.
How did TumbleweedSOUTH get its name?
I was on Twitter one night, discussing a recent spate of assignments that kept me criss-crossing the South for months. Someone commented that I was like tumbleweed, always going wherever the wind blows. Twitter had a bot at the time — the tumbleweed bot — that retweeted any status containing the word “tumbleweed.” So the bot started following me, retweeting my posts. I thought it was funny, and the more I thought about it, the more I realized that TumbleweedSOUTH was the perfect name for a travel blog.
What else should I know about you?
I have an 11-year-old Australian Shepherd, Cowboy; and five cats — Twinkie, Pumpkin, Pretty Boy, Lily, and Henry. I like stormy days and button-downs, and I’m always searching for the perfect bacon cheeseburger.
Where can I see your other work?
Writing: www.carmenksisson.com
Photography: carmensisson.photoshelter.com
Flickr, Instagram, and Twitter: @CarmenSisson
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carmensisson
Can I hire you?
Of course! I offer a wide range of writing and photography services for a diverse set of industries. Email me, and let’s talk.
Will you visit or review my favorite place?
Maybe. Leave a comment or send me an email, and I’ll see what I can do.
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